English musician Nick Drake should have been a shooting star in the industry, but instead found himself unable to sell records & attract an audience. On the night of November 25, 1974, Drake took an overdose of a prescription antidepressant named amitriptyline & fell asleep to never wake again. Leaving no note behind, Drake left those around him wondering, unable to determine whether it was intentional or accidental. Regardless of the circumstances, a bit of genius was gone, Drake would never have the opportunity to fully bloom & find his audience. Though grimly & perhaps ironically as well, after his death he became more known to the public.
Drake produced three albums: Five Leaves Left (1969), Bryter Layter (1970), & Pink Moon (1972), which were packaged into a 3-album set called Fruit Tree. None sold more than 5,000 copies, Drake never found success in a live show & was not inclined to agree to interviews further inhibiting his ability to find success which he craved. Since his death, his life has been presented in a few biographies, a couple of documentaries, & perhaps soon, a major motion picture. I suggest you give his music a listen, especially to those who are in a somber mood.